Hi All, thought you would be interested in the topics covered in the FOCA AGM. If any of them interest you, let us know and we can get you more information.
Aquatic Invasive Species
Do you want to learn about Aquatic Invasive Species and what you can do to prevent their spread? Email info@pliink.ca for details and a zoom link

Beware – Bears Coming Out of Hibernation Early
This article from Cottage Life and the Ontario Government
Ontario government advises caution as bears come out of hibernation early due to mild winter
Spring may have sprung early for Ontario thanks to Wiarton Willie’s expert predictions, but the cost of an early spring is sometimes not as nice as the weather.
The Government of Ontario has released a statement in conjunction with the Ontario Provincial Police urging caution as black bears have started to come out of hibernation. Due to unseasonably warm winter temperatures and a lack of snowpack, bears have started to emerge from hibernation earlier than expected in some parts of the province.
This has been one of the warmest winters on record for much of Ontario. The Hamilton airport reported a record-breaking 20.9°C on March 4, 2024. This has prompted some slumbering animals to end their hibernation weeks ahead of schedule.
The Government of Ontario has opened its non-emergency, toll-free Bear Wise reporting line early this year, due to the early end of hibernation. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from March 1 to November 30, residents of Ontario can call 1-866-514-2327 to report a bear in their area. However, if it is an urgent emergency, call 911.
Please see the full article at: cottagelife.com/outdoors

BASC Tree and Shrub Program
Do your part to preserve shorelines, for the long term health of our lakes.
The 2024 BASC Tree and Shrub Program is now open!
They are taking orders now for spring pick up the first week of May. Be sure to place your order soon to avoid disappointment as supplies are limited. Thank you for liking and sharing this post to spread the word! (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064860963664)
Order at https://bascstore.ecwid.com

Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association Newsletter – Fall – 2023

The cottage season has come to an end (for most of us). Closing is always a bit melancholy, saying goodbye to friends and the land, but what a glorious summer it was, especially with the last hurrah in tember as temperatures soared again and we were able to get out for bug free walks. We’ll close the season with some housekeeping both at the cottage and for the cottagers’ association.
Cottagers’ Association Fees in 2024

Decision: An increase of the Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association fees by $20, taking us from $20 to $40 will be in effect in 2024.
After much deliberation and in consideration that fees have not been increased since at least 1986, while other costs have gone up significantly in that time; and that $20 is less than the price of gas to reach the lake for many cottagers, the LCLCA Executive have unanimously put forward this increase.
We do look for grants where possible (e.g. the Planting Palooza in 2021), and will continue to do so.
What do you get for your money and what have we added recently:
- FOCA Membership – providing us with a broader view of lake health and cottage issue awareness, the fees have increased in recent years
- NORKLA Membership – access to lake health data, North Kawartha view of cottaging (Invasive Species, Septic data, etc.)
- + Meeting in NKCC for a fee (more feasible than peoples‘ cottages (distant past) and Legion Hall (hot, hot, hot))
- + The Regatta games costs have been absorbed by the organizer (Scott Phillips). While we are thankful to Scott for his generosity, funding the regatta is a more sustainable model.
- + Funding is required for services and materials used to communicate to all cottagers (e.g. Web site, posters). Often the cost is absorbed by the person doing the work
- + Funding is required for equipment to benefit all cottagers and our (e.g. Fire Pumps, other proposed projects under consideration)
Your LCLCA Executive
AGM 2024

The AGM turnout in June was better than we expected and we heard lots of positive reviews of the earlier date. And, with earlier warning, we understand that even more people will be able to attend.The AGM will be held on the 2nd Saturday in June for AGMs going forward.
Mark your calendar for the 2024 AGM on Saturday, June 8th, 2024.
LCLCA Executive and Volunteer Opportunities
There have been no changes in the executive this year.
We do have interest from some Loon Callers who will be added to the executive next year. As well, preparation is underway in advance of a turnover in presidents in 2025.
Volunteers are warmly welcomed. Please reach out to learn the many ways you can help.
For your reference, follow this link to the current team: Loon Call Lake Governance.
Fire Pump Committee

by Henry Decock, Chair
Thank you to everyone who voted in the electronic poll. 78% of the respondents approved the expenditure for a fire pump.
The committee of six cottagers has drafted a set of guidelines and procedures for the maintenance and training on the equipment, including responses to the questions you sent in, along with a set of cottage fire prevention practices, all of which will be made available to the Loon Call Lake community through the website and email communication.
Over the winter, the fire pump committee will purchase the fire pump and related equipment in time for summer 2024.
Look for further information in the spring newsletter and at the annual AGM.
Drive Safely

Please remember that many Loon Callers, pets, and friends of all ages and agility, are walking on the roads this time of year, enjoying the colours and the fall air. Cars share the roads with people. Please, Slow Down, Sound Your Horn on tricky turns and hills to signal that you are approaching. Keep everyone safe.
Event Wrap Up
– Paddle Palooza and Food Drive / Regatta and Corn Roast

Following the Paddle Palooza (so thankfully renamed from the Pandemic Paddle), we donated two very large, very full, bins of food to the Kawartha Food Bank. They were so happy to receive these donations and send their appreciation to all Loon Callers.

The Regatta and Corn Roast attendance was record breaking this year. It is so great to see these crowds again. Thanks again to Scott for many years of Regatta fun, and to Erin who has volunteered to run them in the future.
Do you have photos from the Regatta and Corn Roast? Send them along so we can share them.

The Raffle proceeds of $755 were also donated to the Food Bank. This put a smile on their faces.
It came a surprise to me that not all cottagers’ associations make donations to the community. Thank you, Loon Callers. You are a very special group of people.
As you have seen in the notices, we have started a new tradition. So many Loon Callers make a special mention of their time at the cottage and on Loon Call Lake. It seemed fitting to pay them a special tribute on their passing. Loved ones or cottage friends are most welcome to recognize them. Just send us a note at info@looncalllake.ca and we’ll work with you.
See the Loon Callers Remember page for tributes.
Loon Call Lake Wear

The response to the Loon Call Lake Wear was tremendous, with requests for more. Please see the email of October 11th with instructions for how to order your apparel, or Click here to go to the Order Form.
(Note: The logo location on the Tshirt has been correct to centre front)
Order by November 14th. Pickup in Whitby.
Cottager List
We have removed last names and email contact for executives and directors from the web site to reduce the spam and scam. The cottager list now includes this information for your reference. Hardcopy lists will be available at the AGM and a link will be sent to newsletter subscribers after the AGM updates or upon request.
Lost and Found?
Have you lost something? Found something?
email info@looncalllake.ca and we’ll post on the Loon Call Lake front page LoonCallLake.ca and the Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association facebook page. If you have lost something, check out both of these sites.
On the Water
Fall Cleanup Hygiene
It was observed last year that leaves were being blown into the lake. We remind cottagers that leaves are living tissue and contain phosphate. Leaves can account for much of the excess nutrients in a lake. Thus, it is preferable to let your leaves rot/compost on land – rake them to where they will rot without being unsightly and unsafe.
Wondering: “Don’t leaves fall into the lake naturally, so isn’t this okay and natural?”
Answer: “Volume! A few leaves may not tip the balance, but large quantities will.”
See Lake Steward’s report for more info.
For other cottage closing tip see these helpful tips:
Checklist – Closing up the cottage for winter
Lake Friendly.ca – Practices and Actions
Lake Friendly Cleaning Products
Wondering how to clean without harming the lake or your septic system? Jacquie Cane shares her recipe with us.

Lake Steward’s Report
by Jim Hartog
NORKLA Lake Health Meeting Report 2023
Hartog attended the NORKLA Lake Health Meeting on August 26 at the Wilson Park Community Centre on Northey’s Bay Road. This is an annual event organized by Doug Wellman as a gathering for the local lake stewards to touch base and also to hear speakers on relevant topics.
The meeting was not as well-attended as Doug would like but the Mayor, Carolyn Amyotte, was present as was Ambrose Moran, a local environment activist who doubles as a real estate agent.
Although not on the published agenda, Diane Trauzzi, Big Cedar Lake, opened the meeting with news on the status of the application for a three-year, $750 000 grant from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to cover the purchase and maintenance of boat clean/drain/dry stations for local lakes. These are solar-powered, on trailer, vacuum systems that can be moved from lake to lake and will have “attendants” present to help the boaters. Cedar Lake has everything bad, zebra mussels, Eurasian milfoil, spiny water flea and starry stonewort, so it has a vested interest in boat cleaning stations. One of the points of discussion was if the stations should be on “clean” lakes for protection or on “dirty” lakes to stop the spread of invasive species. Diane has received a lot of support for her work and she hopes that the application will be successful.
At this point, local lake stewards in attendance gave a short update on their lake. Hartog reported that all is well on Loon Call Lake in terms of Secchi Disc readings, Trent U testing and the Lake Partner Program testing. Loon Call Lake has escaped the Cedar Lake problems with our unfavourable to some invasive species water chemistry and good luck. Chandos Lake has no invasive species even though the conditions good for them. Jack Lake reported that they may have a mercury problem. The new Wolf Lake steward was in attendance.
The first key-note speaker was Dr. Norman Yan who gave a dissertation on the causes of an algal bloom on Dickson Lake which is in Algonquin Park. This is a pristine lake that has no business having an algal bloom. Dr. Yan covered all the factors that likely contributed to the bloom. These include spiny water fleas, high water temperature, decreased calcium, increased chloride and development (fertilizer). Much of his presentation described the battle between the algae and the zooplankton that eat the algae. The best scenario is to have conditions bad for the algae and good for the zooplankton so that the zooplankton wins!
The second speaker was Paul McInnes, who is the chair of the Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Association (CHA) which now has scores of lakes represented. His message was that the maintenance of a natural shoreline is paramount to lake health. At least 75% (more is better) natural shoreline is needed to protect a lake from deleterious runoff. Unfortunately, the average cottage lake can only claim about 50% natural shoreline. The other high priority is the good maintenance septic systems on the lake. He mentioned that laundry facilities and dish washing machines are not good for septic systems because to the powerful detergents involved. Reclaiming a distressed lake is much more difficult than protecting the lake from problems in the first place. Much was said about getting local political bodies and companies on board with protecting the environment by implementing environmentally friendly bylaws versus development at all costs.
The last presentation, also unscheduled, was from Mike Gibbs of ESSE Canada. This is a company based in Brantford but works province wide to provide invasive septic system inspections that include cameras in pipes and digging in the leaching bed.
More on Septic System Health
Septic system construction is regulated under the Ontario Building Code, but maintenance, including pumping and inspection, is a homeowner responsibility.
Take action to ensure your septic system is in good working order:

- have a licensed technician inspect the system, pump out the tank, and install an effluent filter
- remind visitors to avoid putting anything down the drain that might interfere with the system function (examples include: coffee grounds, food scraps, tampons, applicators, flushable wipes, condoms, anti-bacterials, solvents)
- remind everyone to conserve water – large volumes can overload the system and cause failure!
There are varying opinions on the use of septic system additives: Some people use Septobac – a septic system treatment that is said to be environmentally friendly and helps to prevent septic backup by helping to breakdown waste. Research and decide for yourself.
Reference materials:
FOCA.ON.CA – Septic Systems – FOCA Fact Sheet 2019
First Supply – 5 keys to a healthy septic system

Questions? Requests? Feedback?
email info@looncalllake.ca
Watch Out for the Wildlife (and the Not So Wild Life)!
Have a safe Winter!
See You in the Spring!
Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association

LCLCA AGM 2023 – Presentation and Minutes
Hello Loon Callers, the presentation and minutes have been distributed. Please let me know if you did not receive it. If you would like to receive Loon Call Lake news, please use the subscribe button found at the very bottom any of our web pages.
Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association Newsletter – Spring – 2023

It has been an interesting cottage season already, with weather causing washouts requiring early roadwork. That appears to be behind us now and we are looking forward to a wonderful summer.
The AGM will be earlier than usual this year, it will be held on Saturday June 10th from 10am until noon at NKCC. See you all there!

The full agenda will be published in early June. Topics will incude:
- Treasurer Report
- Water Quality
- Shoreline Management
- FOCA Summary
- Events in 2023
- Loon Call Lake Logowear
- and more
There have been no changes in the executive this year. However, there is room for members at large. Also, as some of the executive have held positions for many years, we anticipate openings in the coming year. We would love to see you on the executive. Let us know if you are interested. For your reference, follow this link to the current team: loon-call-lake-governance.
Paddle Palooza and Food Drive

We have had so much fun with the community paddle that we are keeping it, but with a new name. The Paddle Palooza and Food Drive will be held on July 1st starting at 10:30am. Paddle the lake with your friends and family. Greet lake friends at their docks and support the community by bringing non-perishable food to the drop off points for donation to the Apsley food Bank.
Regatta and Corn Roast

We are looking forward to the Regatta and Corn Roast on August 5th, and welcome all volunteers. We will have more information at the AGM, including details about Loon Call Lake Logowear.
Sadly, one of “the originals” on the lake passed away this spring. Olive Carey passed away on March 13, 2023. She and her husband Sean were long time cottagers on Loon Call Lake. You can find Olive’s obituary by clicking here.
Cottage Association Fees

Fees remain at $20, and go to fundraisers for the North Kawartha community; FOCA membership; and hosting fees for the web site, to name a few.
It is never to early to send your 2023 fees to our treasurer. You can:
- direct deposit to jacquiecane@gmail.com. Please include your name and lot number in the comments on your payment
- pay your Area Director; or
- pay at the AGM.
Cottager List
Do you need your cottage neighbour’s contact information – email info@looncalllake.ca to find out how to get it.
Lost and Found
Have you lost something? Found something? You can post on the Looncall Lake Cottagers Association facebook page. You can also email info@looncalllake.ca and we’ll post on the Loon Call Lake web site.
Have you found what you lost? Has the lost item found its owner? Let us know and we’ll take the notices down.
Grocery Store
Sayers construction is underway, with news articles indicating an opening date of August. As information comes available, we will share it.
On the Water
Water Quality
2021 data is now available and published on the web site at looncalllake.ca/the-lake. We have been classified as a sensitive lake, so while the quality is not worsening we must remain vigilant.
Shoreline Management
One of the ways we can help our lake is to care for the shoreline. Encourage shoreline plant growth to reduce runoff; never rake leaves into the lake; and keep chemicals away.
Visit this link for actions that cottagers can take to assess and improve their shorelines: Shoreline Self-Assessment Booklet Tool for Shoreline Property Owners from Watersheds Canada.
FOCA: Topics of Interest Presented at the FOCA AGM
Elerts: We encourage you to visit foca.on.ca/elerts/ to see recent elerts and to subscribe to get informative, helpful cottage country information.
Fish Lead Free: Do you still have lead in your tackle box. Please replace it with lead free tackle
Mandatory PFD: Private Members’ Bill is before the Ontario Legislature, which would require all children to wear life jackets while on the water (with some exceptions).
Lyme Disease and Ticks: The at risk region has been expanding. Check your pets and yourself after every walk.
Questions? Requests? Feedback? email info@looncalllake.ca
Watch out for the wildlife.
See you on the Lake!
Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association

Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association Newsletter – Fall – 2022

We have come to the end of another beautiful summer at Loon Call Lake. You may have noticed that your schedule was a little more normal this year and you were scheduling cottage time along with other commitments and events. I know this made me recognize the bubble we lived in the past two years and realize there were some up sides to the pandemic, allowing more cottage time than usual. However you managed it, we hope you had a great summer with family and friends and at the cottage as much as possible.
So far, fall has been beautiful extending the swimming season and further opportunities to boat, tube, canoe and kayak.
Municipal Elections 2022
The municipal election is October 24th. Please take time to read the information found at these links. We are so privileged to be able to vote!
Here are a few links to help you find information:
- Municipal information: Find all of the election information here, including how you can vote electronically if you wish. https://www.northkawartha.ca/en/our-council/municipal-election-2022.aspx.
- The video of the All Candidates Meeting: https://fb.watch/fUsTU8TTyJ/
- Local group For Our Grandchildren (4RG) has surveyed the election candidates of each municipality in Peterborough County to gauge their position on environmental issues, with a focus on climate change in particular. The document linked below contains the responses from our North Kawartha candidates. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/1onmXF2pgCmdBh5W3KCRw8hxihHYdbb58DKGwqYbRuRE/mobilebasic#heading=h.w0yaajx7s0jh A survey on some surveys that candidates responded to.

Apsley Grocery Delivery Program
Apsley is heading into another winter and spring without a local grocery store. A grocery delivery program has been organized in conjunction with Morello’s to support locals as well as the Community Care clients. For this to work at least 30 orders are required per week. If you will be in cottage country through the fall and winter, please consider participating.
Non-Perishable Food Donation
Do you have food at your cottage that you would like to donate?
North Kawartha Food Bank says, “We have had many inquiries from cottagers that are closing up for the season with regards to donating food. We understand that our hours may not be convenient for those that want to drop off non perishable food donations.We have put a bin at the NKCC to allow for easier drop off for those that may want to donate.Thank you for all those that have inquired about donating.”
Recap 2022
A recurring theme is that this summer was a getting back to normal.
The AGM was held in person on July 9th. Highlights included thanks to Helen Yielding and Bill McRae for their many years of service as Area Directors, replaced by JP Pawliw and Rocky Dundas, respectively. We also welcomed new cottagers on the lake, and our guest speakers.
Presentation material and minutes can be found here: LCLCA AGM minutes
The motion to improve the entrance from Highway 28 to Anstruther Lake Road was sent to the North Kawartha Mayor’s office. Anstruther lake road and hwy 28 Motion

Pandemic Paddle and Food Drive
We repeated the Pandemic Paddle and Food Drive, for the last time with this name. Next year we will hold a Paddle and Food Drive, but with a different name. Any ideas? Send them to info@looncalllake.ca
Photos can be found here: Pandemic paddle and food drive 2022/

Regatta and Corn Roast
The Regatta and Corn Roast, and Raffle were celebrated with enthusiastic participation. So nice to get back to this tradition.
More photos here: Annual regatta corn roast/

North Kawartha Food Bank
Through these events food and funds were delivered to the North Kawartha Food Bank
The golf tournament was organized and ready to go, but the weather just wasn’t cooperating. Thanks for your work on this Scott Phillips, we’ll try again next summer.
Thanks to everyone who planned, organized and participated in this year’s events.
You make Loon Call Lake a wonderful place to cottage.
North Kawartha
You can receive timely North Kawartha information by subscribing at this site. We strongly encourage you to subscribe to get timely, first hand information.
It is well worth visiting the web site to see all of the services available to you, including available drinking water at NKCC, emergency services during power outages, wi-fi, recreational programs, and so much more.
On The Water
Yard Waste
Please remember to take care with our lake.
Rake away from the lake so that yard waste does not find its way to the lake.
FOCA Elerts
We encourage you to subscribe to Elerts here. We strongly encourage you to subscribe to get timely, firsthand information.
Loon Call Lake Status Report Fall 2022
by Jim Hartog
Hartog attended a NORKLA Lake Stewards meeting organized by Doug Wellman on Saturday, August 27, 2022 at the Wilson Community Centre on Northeys Bay Road. The feature presentation was given by Dr. Nolan Pearce, who is with Trent University and is involved in the North Kawartha Lakes water sampling studies. Other than the summer testing, Trent also conducts winter testing, and because of its characteristics, Loon Call Lake is one of the lakes that gets tested in the dead of winter. A hole is drilled in the ice with an ice auger and an instrument is lowered that detects temperature, dissolved oxygen and takes water samples from the top just under the ice to the bottom. Apparently, there is enough light getting through the snow/ice that algae can photosynthesize and produce oxygen in the one metre layer of water just under the ice. Trent is also in the process of collecting historical data from previous studies done on the area lakes so that the old data can be compared to the data that is being presently collected.
At the meeting, it was noted that the 2021 data from the Lake Partner Program still is not available. The Loon Call Lake website will be updated with that data once it becomes published.
In the round robin of area lake stewards commenting on their lakes, it was noted that the Lymantria dispar dispar moth did not survive the winter well. We discussed the effect of spraying, the fungus and viral infections and the several very cold nights last winter. The moth problem seems to be gone but expect it to be back some time in the future when conditions are right for the moth population to explode again. In Hartog’s report at the meeting, he reported that everything seems to be “normal” with the lake.
Boat wakes were discussed and the effect of “drawing down” lakes for the winter was a concern for one of the lakes that is involved in Trent/Severn water level control. The headwater lakes are lowered so that spring runoff can fill the lakes instead of causing flooding down stream.
Chandos Lake has had a dramatic, unexplained drop in their eurasian milfoil, an invasive species. It was surmised that the cold winter may be part of the explanation. Big Cedar Lake has given up trying to control their eurasion milfoil using the weevils. Apparently, the weevils do not survive the winter well and the expense of buying new weevils year after year was prohibitive.
Chandos has also installed a boat cleaning station at their most popular boat landing near the beach. It is a vacuum system that is solar powered and has a holding tank to collect the material picked up by the vacuum system. The vacuum design means no wash water gets into the lake, the solar power means there is no connection to the grid and those costs. The holding tank does have to be emptied when required keep the system operating. The cost was very high but part of that was offset by a $10 000 grant from the North Kawartha council who deemed the project worthy. Other than cost, another negative was finding volunteers to man the station during busy times to make sure everything is going as it should.
Three North Kawartha councillors were present at the meeting and when asked about the septic system inspection that appears to have stopped, they explained that COVID shelved the initiative but it will be up and running again once staff has been found to run the operation. Staffing seems to be a problem in many areas of operation since the pandemic.
On a high note, there was no mention of any new invasive species to look out for.
Is your cottager information correct? Click this link to reach info@looncalllake.ca for a copy or to advise of any adjustments or corrections. Want to let us know about something? Click to email info@looncalllake.ca

Quick Notes of Interest
Hello Loon Call Lake Cottagers,
We hope your summer has been spectacular. We’re not ready to say goodbye to the summer of 2022 quite yet, but do have a few updates for you.
Community Spirit
This summer, the Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association gathered together to help raise money and food for the NKFB. This summer’s events were a few of the ways for residents of Loon Call Lake to socialize, reconnect with each other and benefit the community at the same time. Starting in July with the Pandemic Paddle, nonperishable food items were collected from participants as they paddled canoes, SUP boards, and kayaks around lake. In addition, the annual Regatta and Corn Roast pulled in a hefty sum ($570) to donate to the North Kawartha Food Bank from many generous participants.
Diane and Jacques gratefully accepted the donations which were delivered to the North Kawartha FB in August to help support our NK community.
Thanks to all of you … participants, attendees, organizers, and helpers …for your enthusuasm in making this a very successful Regatta and Corn Roast.

Rained Out. Working on a Rain Date
Unfortunately, the golf tournament was rained out. We will update you if a rain date is possible.
Thanks Scott for all you do for the Loon Call Lake community.

All candidates meeting on September 24th
This is your opportunity to ask questions.

Be watchful of turtles this time of year

Up next…Golf
Register by August 12th