Paddle Palooza – Held over for 1 day only

Hello Loon Callers,

We had a good turnout today, with bins full of food collected and a nice catch up with cottage neighbours.

But… if the grey sky and raindrops, or anyting else, kept you off the water, we will be out on our docks with food bins waiting, on what promises to be a beautiful day tomorrow. 

See you on the water!

Loon Call Lake Wear

Hey Loon Callers,

Check your email for a link to the order form (if you can’t find it, email to request the link). All details are in the order form. HST is included in the prices.

Order requests end on July 14th to allow time to order so you receive your order before the end of summer.

LCLCA AGM Minutes + Reminders

LCLCA AGM Content + Minutes

The AGM agenda was packed, and we took the entire two hours!
You can find the content and minutes by clicking on the links below.  

A Few Highlights


To the President Elect, Ian G, the new Lake Steward Mark P, and our newest Member at Large, Danielle C.  You all have big shoes to fill, but judging from your enthusiasm and qualifications, you are well on your way. 

Thanks to Our Executive

Margi C for her services at President and her enthusiasm in bringing so many cottagers together. There will be a transition period after which Margi will become the Past President.

Jim H for the knowledge and dedication to the position of Lake Steward. Lake Health needs this kind of attention more now than ever.

To our executive presenters for the care and hard work that goes into preparing for and making the AGM possible.

Thanks to Our Guest Speakers

Carolyn Amyotte, Mayor North Kawartha (

Paul Smith, Kawartha Highlands Park Superintendent (

Vickie Hartog ( &
Jaff Berthelette, Liason, Invading Species Awareness Program, with Sarah Thorn of OFAH-ISAP (



Subscribe to a few services that are useful and important to cottagers: 

North Kawartha:
Loon Call Lake:

Please encourage your adult children to subscribe too, and to attend the AGM
They are the future of the lake!

Watch for Turtles

North Kawartha Township News – Turtle Crossing Alert

6/6/2024 9:39:46 AM

Please be aware of turtles crossing roads through North Kawartha, especially during warmer months. Your safety and the safety of other drivers is top priority. If you see a turtle on the road, please do not stop your car in the middle of the road or walk into direct traffic.

When handling smaller turtles, gently pick them up behind their front legs and move them in the direction they were heading. Snapping turtles can be aggressive, so use something long and sturdy to guide them to their destination.

If you cannot stop to help a crossing turtle, please try to avoid hitting the turtles by slowing down and steering around them, where possible. Cautious driving can help protect the turtles!

If you find an injured turtle, contact the Ontario Turtle Conversation Centre at 705-741-5000. They operate a turtle hospital that treats and released injured turtles.

Drive carefully North Kawartha and help our adorable, shelled friends cross the road safety!
Additional Resource
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre Website
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre Location:
4-1434 Chemong Road, Selwyn, ON, K9J 6X2
Read this article on our website.North Kawartha Township logo
80 Burleigh Street, PO Box 550,
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0
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Beware – Bears Coming Out of Hibernation Early

This article from Cottage Life and the Ontario Government

Ontario government advises caution as bears come out of hibernation early due to mild winter


Spring may have sprung early for Ontario thanks to Wiarton Willie’s expert predictions, but the cost of an early spring is sometimes not as nice as the weather. 
The Government of Ontario has released a statement in conjunction with the Ontario Provincial Police urging caution as black bears have started to come out of hibernation. Due to unseasonably warm winter temperatures and a lack of snowpack, bears have started to emerge from hibernation earlier than expected in some parts of the province. 
This has been one of the warmest winters on record for much of Ontario. The Hamilton airport reported a record-breaking 20.9°C on March 4, 2024. This has prompted some slumbering animals to end their hibernation weeks ahead of schedule. 
The Government of Ontario has opened its non-emergency, toll-free Bear Wise reporting line early this year, due to the early end of hibernation. For 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from March 1 to November 30, residents of Ontario can call 1-866-514-2327 to report a bear in their area. However, if it is an urgent emergency, call 911. 

Please see the full article at: 

BASC Tree and Shrub Program

Do your part to preserve shorelines, for the long term health of our lakes.

The 2024 BASC Tree and Shrub Program is now open!

They are taking orders now for spring pick up the first week of May. Be sure to place your order soon to avoid disappointment as supplies are limited. Thank you for liking and sharing this post to spread the word!  (

Order at