September 30, 2021
It was a beautiful summer at Loon Call and we hope you enjoyed many happy times on the lake.
Fall is a perfect time to try out the new park hiking trail which starts almost across from the public landing and is well-signed. It is about 3k long and requires solid shoes as it is a bit rugged in spots. The scenery and trail highlights are worth the walk.
We anticipate an in person AGM in 2022 on the July long weekend as normal. We will keep you posted.
Recap 2021
We enjoyed a busy summer on Loon Call Lake, despite continued Covid restrictions and LDD moths (formerly known as Gypsy Moths).
The year started with the AGM, held as a Zoom call.

This was quickly followed by the Planting Palooza [photo], funded by “A Love Your Lake” program. Check out the beautiful results of the planting. (More photos: planting-palooza-and-shoreline-photos)

Next on the agenda was Music on the Dock, provided by Drew Phillips, who along with cottagers donated $1010 to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society. At least 70 parties enjoyed Drew’s music and we are all grateful for his talent and generosity. (More photos: music-on-the-dock-2021).

For the August long weekend, we held the second Pandemic Paddle, with substantial food donations gratefully received by the Apsley Food Bank (more photos: /pandemic-paddle-and-food-drive-2021).

The summer events concluded with the Loon Call Lake Golf Tournament, organized by Scott Phillips. Donations of $423 from the tournament fees and prize donations were made to the North Kawartha Food Bank. (More photos: 1st-annual-golf-tournament-2021)
Thanks to everyone who planned, organized and participated in this year’s events. You make Loon Call Lake a wonderful place to cottage.
Cottager List
Do you need your cottage neighbour’s contact information – email to find out how to get it.
On the Water
Loon Call Lake Status Report Fall 2021
By Jim Hartog
After a COVID 19 hiatus, spring water testing was done in May through the Lake Partner Program. The lake was sampled for the total phosphorus content, calcium levels and chloride ion levels. The chloride ion test is something relatively new and it is meant to monitor the effect of runoff into the lakes from winter road salting. The salinity numbers from the last few years actually shows our numbers decreasing.
Secchi readings have been taken throughout the summer and I will probably be able to get a couple more this fall. The numbers are not as high as our best years but we still look pretty good. The 2021 average to date is about 4.2 metres.
The Trent University water testing will continue and the results will be presented in a scaled down format. Much of the data collected only means something to a PhD in freshwater ecology so a lot of what we were receiving was simply mystifying. We will now be getting data that is relevant to water quality and easily understood although some of it is redundant to the spring LPP data. The full range of testing will continue to satisfy the scientific community.
FOCA Lake Steward Newsletter
The FOCA Lake Steward Newsletter arrived at my house with a couple of interesting items in one article. The zebra mussel/spiny water flea testing, which used to be coordinated by OFAH, has been resurrected by FOCA and ISC (Invasive Species Centre) which has a lab in Sault Ste. Marie. New funding has been found to run the program again. Twenty five at-risk lakes were selected (Loon Call is not at-risk) that had a FOCA membership to sample the lakes using volunteers. The other interesting item in the same article was that environmental DNA (eDNA) which comes from shed cells from sloughed skin, excrement, carcasses, etc can be detected in the environment (from a water sample) and the origin of the DNA can be ascertained. No need to find the eggs, larva or adult, the DNA will tell you what is in the lake! This is still in the early stages, but likely will be the new way to sample for invasive species or check on populations of endangered species.
LDD Moths
Just a reminder, spraying is not planned for 2022. Click for suggestions of what you can do about LDD – Lymantria dispar dispar on page 19 of the July edition of Apsley Backroads.
Invasive Aquatic Species

A new threat is in the water…From Mayor Carolyn Ayotte… “Invasive Aquatic Plants are on the rise in several local lakes and I went to Big Cedar Lake to meet some local residents and talk about their efforts to control invasive water plants- in particular Starry Stonewort. This particular ‘weed’ is actually a macro alga which form large dense mats in the water up to 9ft in depth. It reduces biodiversity, degrades fish habitat and restricts movement of aquatic wildlife.“
Please read the full article and watch the accompanying video at:
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