What a beautiful day
Cottagers paddled to various docks for plant pickup. There were more fun and photos as they planted. It was nice to get out and see cottage neighbours (physically distanced, of course) once again. Looking forward to seeing the results as we paddle around the lake this summer and in years to come.
And the winner is…. the shoreline,
Winners of additional plants are:
1st Prize: Lot #62 Terry and Jan
2nd Prize: Lot # 48 Sue and Ross
3rd Prize: Lot #25 Phil and Jackie
You can still send photos to info@looncalllake.ca. You won’t win a prize, but we will see your beautiful shoreline.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this fun and important event. πΏ
Thanks to Henry for organizing the event and securing the grant and prizes. π Thanks to Breanne for the posters. πΌ Thanks to the plant distributors. π

How Did It Work?
Pickup: Saturday June 19th 10:00 am -11:00 am
Lot | Pickup Point |
1, 2, 3, 6, 7 | 2 β Henry |
15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25 | 22 β JP |
28, 32, 35, 36 | 36 β Vickie |
41, 42, 43, 44, 49 | 49 β Sue |
51, 55, 57, 60, 62, 63, 65 | 60 β Brian |
66, 67, 70, 71, 73 | 70 β Jacquie |
Send planting pictures to info@looncalllake.ca by June 26th to be entered into the draw on June 27th.

How Did It Get Started?
The Loon Call Cottagerβs Association Executive was successful in acquiring a $500 Love Your Lake Micro Grant in support of the Planting Palooza, a one-day event in June to promote the health and preservation of our shoreline. Only lake associations who participated in Love Your Lake were eligible to apply. The program is Intended for projects that contribute to lake health. The Project proposals needed to demonstrate involvement of lake community members Finally, only native plants could be purchased. You can read more about the micro-grant program here.

Plants for this event were purchased at Grow Wild Nursery in Omemee. Many thanks also to Grow Wild Nursery for donating the shoreline planting prize valued at $50 for the planting draw. Any cottager who submits a photo of their planting party by midnight Saturday June 26th will be entered in the draw to be held Sunday June 27th.