BASC Tree and Shrub Program

Do your part to preserve shorelines, for the long term health of our lakes.

The 2024 BASC Tree and Shrub Program is now open!

They are taking orders now for spring pick up the first week of May. Be sure to place your order soon to avoid disappointment as supplies are limited. Thank you for liking and sharing this post to spread the word!  (

Order at

Quick Notes of Interest

Hello Loon Call Lake Cottagers,

We hope your summer has been spectacular. We’re not ready to say goodbye to the summer of 2022 quite yet, but do have a few updates for you.  

Community Spirit

This summer, the Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association gathered together to help raise money and food for the NKFB. This summer’s events  were a few of the ways for residents of Loon Call Lake to socialize, reconnect with each other and benefit the community at the same time. Starting in July with the Pandemic Paddle, nonperishable food items were collected from participants as they paddled canoes, SUP boards, and kayaks around lake. In addition, the annual Regatta and Corn Roast pulled in a hefty sum  ($570) to donate to the North Kawartha Food Bank from many generous participants.

Diane and Jacques gratefully accepted the donations which were delivered to the North Kawartha FB in August to help support our NK community. 

Thanks to all of you … participants, attendees, organizers, and helpers …for your enthusuasm in making this a very successful Regatta and Corn Roast.  

Rained Out. Working on a Rain Date

Unfortunately, the golf tournament was rained out. We will update you if a rain date is possible. 
Thanks Scott for all you do for the Loon Call Lake community.

All candidates meeting on September 24th

This is your opportunity to ask questions. 

Be watchful of  turtles this time of year

Be Lake Friendly

From “Water is our most precious resource. One of the most significant problems facing lakes, rivers, and streams today is an excess of nutrients entering our waterways. This causes an overgrowth of algae that is choking our waters, destroying habitats, and spoiling beaches. These nutrients can also be toxic to humans and animals. If this continues, our waters will not be able to recover.

We need to act now!

Please find reference material at

Reminders and Requests for the upcoming Regatta and Corn Roast

Regatta and Corn Roast – July 30
See you there
All proceeds go to the Apsley Food Bank

  • Bring your own drinks and water (bottled water will not be provided this year)
  • As Covid is still in the air and this will be a large gathering, consider masking when possible.
  • Do you have items for the raffle? Contact Margi Colquhoun to let her know and to arrange for drop off. Tickets $5 each.
  • Is baking your super power? A table will be set up for goodies.
  • Corn Roast Tickets $5.   Free for kids 12 and younger
  • Do you need Volunteer Hours or just want to help out? We will need volunteers to clean up after the festivities.Let Jacquie Cane know.

Make this a day to remember!

Anstruther Lake Road and Hwy 28 Motion

The following request was sent to The Township of North Kawartha, Mayor Carolyn Amyotte, per the motion made at the Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Assocation AGM on July 9, 2022. (Some identifying information has been removed)

Margaret Colquhoun
President, Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association (LCLCA)

Mayor Carolyn Amyotte,
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario
K0L 1A0

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for attending the Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association AGM held on July 9th.  It was a pleasure to have your participation as one of our guest speakers.

This letter is a follow up to the motion made during the meeting regarding the Anstruther Lake Road entrance from Hwy 28, with a request for the North Kawartha municipality to take action.

Motion: Calvin Northover – Motion to rework the Anstruther Lake Road guard rails and width of entry. Seconded: Leslie Guyatt. All members were in support of the motion. LCLCA Executive committed to taking the motion forward to the North Kawartha municipality.

Considerable discussion took place among cottager owners with the following comments:

  • The entrance is too narrow and the turn is too tight. Trucks have difficulty making the turn, especially if another vehicle is in the intersection
  • It is difficult to see the entrance from the highway when approaching from the south because of the configuration of the railing. It appears as one continuous guardrail.
  • It is a busy intersection owing to the Anstruther transfer station traffic, entrance to the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park and Anstruther Marina

Recommendations / possible actions could include:

  • widening the entrance,
  • creating turning lanes from Hwy 28 as well as Anstruther,
  • increasing visibility of guardrail markings, such that the break for Anstruther Road is easier to see

Thank you for your consideration. Please do keep us apprised of progress on this issue. Sincerely,
Margi Colquhoun

LCLCA AGM 2022 – Presentation and Minutes

The AGM was held on July 9, 2022 10am to noon, and was attended by over 50 members. It was great to see everyone after two years without an in person meeting.

We were pleased to host guest speakers Mayor Carolyn Amyotte and Paul Smith, Superindent of the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site

The Cottage Tips poster and Membership lists were handed out. If you would like one, please reach out to as extra printouts are available.

Storm Impact – State of Emergency Declared

North Kawarthat Township has declared a State of Emergency in the aftermath of Saturday’s storm.

The storm on Saturday May 21, 2022 downed many trees, power lines and signage across Ontario and North Kawartha. Power went out on the lake at about 2:30-3:00pm. 

North Kawartha is sending updates and area information. You can see the current update and sign up for nofications at

Please do take care and exercise caution if you are at the cottage or in the area.

Thanks from North Kawartha Foodbank

Message from the North Kawartha Foodbank upon receiving the Golf Tournament donation:

Hi Scott:

Thank you for your recent donation to the North Kawartha Food Bank through Canada Helps.  Your generosity and thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. We hope the participants at the Looncall Lake Golf Tournament had an amazing day.

This gift will be used to help benefit those individuals and families in need of assistance by providing food and other basic supplies as per our mandate. The North Kawartha Food Bank Inc. operates on a totally volunteer basis.

Best regards,
Diane Rothnie, Treasurer,
North Kawartha Food Bank Inc.

North Kawartha Food Bank
135 Burleigh St. PO Box 641 Apsley, Ontario Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 AM until 12:00 PM 705-656-3820

Happy and Safe Thanksgiving to all