Quick Notes of Interest

Hello Loon Call Lake Cottagers,

We hope your summer has been spectacular. We’re not ready to say goodbye to the summer of 2022 quite yet, but do have a few updates for you.  

Community Spirit

This summer, the Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association gathered together to help raise money and food for the NKFB. This summer’s events  were a few of the ways for residents of Loon Call Lake to socialize, reconnect with each other and benefit the community at the same time. Starting in July with the Pandemic Paddle, nonperishable food items were collected from participants as they paddled canoes, SUP boards, and kayaks around lake. In addition, the annual Regatta and Corn Roast pulled in a hefty sum  ($570) to donate to the North Kawartha Food Bank from many generous participants.

Diane and Jacques gratefully accepted the donations which were delivered to the North Kawartha FB in August to help support our NK community. 

Thanks to all of you … participants, attendees, organizers, and helpers …for your enthusuasm in making this a very successful Regatta and Corn Roast.  

Rained Out. Working on a Rain Date

Unfortunately, the golf tournament was rained out. We will update you if a rain date is possible. 
Thanks Scott for all you do for the Loon Call Lake community.

All candidates meeting on September 24th

This is your opportunity to ask questions. 

Be watchful of  turtles this time of year