Anstruther Lake Road and Hwy 28 Motion

The following request was sent to The Township of North Kawartha, Mayor Carolyn Amyotte, per the motion made at the Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Assocation AGM on July 9, 2022. (Some identifying information has been removed)

Margaret Colquhoun
President, Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association (LCLCA)

Mayor Carolyn Amyotte,
The Township of North Kawartha
280 Burleigh Street
P.O. Box 550
Apsley, Ontario
K0L 1A0

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for attending the Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association AGM held on July 9th.  It was a pleasure to have your participation as one of our guest speakers.

This letter is a follow up to the motion made during the meeting regarding the Anstruther Lake Road entrance from Hwy 28, with a request for the North Kawartha municipality to take action.

Motion: Calvin Northover – Motion to rework the Anstruther Lake Road guard rails and width of entry. Seconded: Leslie Guyatt. All members were in support of the motion. LCLCA Executive committed to taking the motion forward to the North Kawartha municipality.

Considerable discussion took place among cottager owners with the following comments:

  • The entrance is too narrow and the turn is too tight. Trucks have difficulty making the turn, especially if another vehicle is in the intersection
  • It is difficult to see the entrance from the highway when approaching from the south because of the configuration of the railing. It appears as one continuous guardrail.
  • It is a busy intersection owing to the Anstruther transfer station traffic, entrance to the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park and Anstruther Marina

Recommendations / possible actions could include:

  • widening the entrance,
  • creating turning lanes from Hwy 28 as well as Anstruther,
  • increasing visibility of guardrail markings, such that the break for Anstruther Road is easier to see

Thank you for your consideration. Please do keep us apprised of progress on this issue. Sincerely,
Margi Colquhoun