Fall Hike – Saturday October 12th

Hello Loon Callers,

Are you going to be at the cottage this weekend? 

Join the Kawartha Highlands Signature Site Park Biologist on an entrancing Fall Colours Hike at our unique Loon Call Lake Legacy Trail. We will admire the changing colours, listen to the six Legacy Trail stories, and give thanks for our land and waters.

Hike will be approximately 2 hours, and is a rugged walk. Total distance will be approximately 3km, and on-leash furry friends are welcome!

Please note that parking is available at the Loon Call Lake Access Point, #506 Anstruther Lake Rd, and a valid Day Pass for the park is required.

Participants should come dressed for the weather, and difficult terrain.

If you would like to join us, please sign up here: https://forms.office.com/r/CUL78F9Vve

Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association Newsletter – Fall 2024

October 2, 2024

Sadly, it’s official, summer is over.  And fall, in all it’s glory (and as I write this by the lake, it is truly glorious) is fast slipping away.  For those in the seasonal crowd (like me), it will soon be closing time.

It’s been quite a summer.  While there was a lot of rain, there was also lot of sunshine.  Splendid days for canoeing, hiking, boating, swimming, and hanging out with friends and family.  And splendid days for LCLCA events like the Paddle Palooza, the Regatta, and the Corn Roast!  It’s hard to beat cottage life at Loon Call Lake.  We are a lucky, lucky group.

With our summer memories carefully stashed away, I wish you all the best for the end of the cottage season and a happy Thanksgiving.  Have a warm and safe winter, and I’ll see you all next spring, back at the lake.

In the meantime, here’s a link to a tune to amp up the autumnal wistfulness in your life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpGeLJJ-2gA. As always, Van is my Man.

LCLCA President,
Ian Godfrey


Save the date – AGM 2025 – June 14th

The AGM will be held on Saturday June 14th, the second Saturday of June. This decision by the executive follows considerable discussion and review of Loon Caller feedback.  

Cottage Association Fees

by LCLCA Treasure, Jacquie Cane

2024 fees are still being accepted if not yet been sent.
When e-transferring your annual $40 lake fee, please add your full name and lot # in the message.  to: jacquiecane@gmail.com


Community Care

When closing your cottage in the fall, please consider donating non-perishables to the North Kawartha Food Bank. Drop off locations at the Food Bank and at NKCC.

Fire Pump Committee

by LCLCA Fire Pump Committee Chair,  Henry Decock

The Fire Pump Committee finalized the acquisition of equipment and the development of procedures over the summer in preparation for launch in 2025. Look for an announcement in the Spring newsletter and a discussion of the process at the next AGM.

Loon Call Lake Events

Loon Call Lake held a rain delayed, but very successful Paddle Palooza and Food Drive in July, with two very large bins and two very heavy boxes of food delivered to and gratefully received by the North Kawartha Food Bank.

In August the Regatta and Corn Roast were well attended. We had great weather for the games and delicious food in the evening. The corn was especially spectacular.  Many thanks to you for contributing to the yummy dessert table!  Thanks to Erin Billinghurst for running the Regatta  and the Corn Roast committee headed by Mike and Jacquie Cane, and their team of volunteers.

The raffle brought in $960 which was quickly delivered to and received, with thanks, by the  North Kawartha Food Bank. Thanks to Local business – Grape and Wedge, Hunters, Tuckers, Shoreline Furniture, Home Hardware – and to Loon Callers for their prize contributions.

Let’s see of we can break the $1000 barrier in 2025!


Loon Call Lake Wear

Many Loon Callers will be warmer this year sporting their Loon Call Lake Wear.  You can now order directly from Imprinted Apparel. Just call and ask them for the Loon Call Lake wear. No more waiting for a large order to be fulfilled. 

BONUS…If you see an item we haven’t previously ordered, you can ask for the Loon Call Lake logo to be put on it!

6–730 The Kingsway, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada K9J 6W6

Recommended Communications

We strongly recommend that you subscribe to a few information services that are useful and important to cottagers. It will help you to get to know the North Kawartha area, topics relevant to cottagers and to Loon Callers. 

Also, please encourage your adult children to subscribe too, and to attend the AGM
They are the future of the lake!

North Kawartha: subscription.northkawartha.ca/Subscribe
FOCA: lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/RJxeH2B/FOCAelertSignup
Loon Call Lake: looncalllake.ca/subscribe/

On the Water

Lake Steward Report

by LCLCA Lake Steward, Marc Possmayer

With the autumn leaf-fall already well underway, please remember that leaves or other organic matter should not be intentionally deposited in the lake. Decaying leaves release phosphorus, which can contribute to harmful algal blooms. Additionally, extra organic matter in the lake, such as leaves, increases the biological oxygen demand on the lake, which already has a low dissolved oxygen level relative to other lakes in the area.

The water quality indicators for Loon Call, as measured by the Lake Steward, the Trent Aquatic Research Program, and the Lake Partnership Program (of FOCA) have not deviated significantly from their long-term values in the past year. Thanks for everyone’s efforts in keeping Loon Call healthy!

The Lake Steward attended the annual meeting of the North Kawartha Lakes Association (NORKLA) where guest presenter Kaleigh Mooney from the Trent Ecological Restoration program described the human factors which impact water quality and potentially lead to harmful algal blooms and the establishment of nuisance aquatic surface plants (aka weeds). Naturally vegetated shorelines create a buffer which prevents overland flow of rainwater which can flush excess organic matter and nutrients into the lake. Septic systems which are not performing properly can also be a source of nutrients and which can change the species composition of the lake. Invasive aquatic plants out-compete native plants for nutrients and light and proliferate at the water’s surface. These disturbances change the balance of organisms in the lake, for example by encouraging surface dwelling plants over phytoplankton throughout the water column, which has an impact on the entire food web of the lake. These surface-dwelling plants are also the type of vegetation that becomes a nuisance for swimmers and boaters.

Maintenance of septic systems and natural shorelines (or their restoration, where required), and being mindful not to facilitate introduction of aquatic invasive species (by Cleaning, Draining and Drying watercraft used elsewhere before bringing them to Loon Call, and reminding our guests do the same) are ways we can all ensure the lake remains healthy and nuisance-free in the future!

For more information on the link between nutrients (from cottages), water quality and harmful algal blooms, please see the North Kawartha pamphlet on Protecting and Restoring Healthy Shorelines.

For information on keeping invasive species out of the lake, please visit Prevent Lake Invasives in North Kawartha, at pliink.ca 

Questions? Requests? Feedback?
email info@looncalllake.ca

Paddle Palooza – Held over for 1 day only

Hello Loon Callers,

We had a good turnout today, with bins full of food collected and a nice catch up with cottage neighbours.

But… if the grey sky and raindrops, or anyting else, kept you off the water, we will be out on our docks with food bins waiting, on what promises to be a beautiful day tomorrow. 

See you on the water!

Loon Call Lake Wear

Hey Loon Callers,

Check your email for a link to the order form (if you can’t find it, email info@looncalllake.ca to request the link). All details are in the order form. HST is included in the prices.

Order requests end on July 14th to allow time to order so you receive your order before the end of summer.

LCLCA AGM Minutes + Reminders

LCLCA AGM Content + Minutes

The AGM agenda was packed, and we took the entire two hours!
You can find the content and minutes by clicking on the links below.  

A Few Highlights


To the President Elect, Ian G, the new Lake Steward Mark P, and our newest Member at Large, Danielle C.  You all have big shoes to fill, but judging from your enthusiasm and qualifications, you are well on your way. 

Thanks to Our Executive

Margi C for her services at President and her enthusiasm in bringing so many cottagers together. There will be a transition period after which Margi will become the Past President.

Jim H for the knowledge and dedication to the position of Lake Steward. Lake Health needs this kind of attention more now than ever.

To our executive presenters for the care and hard work that goes into preparing for and making the AGM possible.

Thanks to Our Guest Speakers

Carolyn Amyotte, Mayor North Kawartha (northkawartha.ca)

Paul Smith, Kawartha Highlands Park Superintendent (ontarioparks.ca/park/kawarthahighlands)

Vickie Hartog (PLiiNK.ca) &
Jaff Berthelette, Liason, Invading Species Awareness Program, with Sarah Thorn of OFAH-ISAP (ofah.org/programs/invading-species-awareness-program)



Subscribe to a few services that are useful and important to cottagers: 

North Kawartha: subscription.northkawartha.ca/Subscribe
FOCA: lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/RJxeH2B/FOCAelertSignup
Loon Call Lake: looncalllake.ca/subscribe/

Please encourage your adult children to subscribe too, and to attend the AGM
They are the future of the lake!

Watch for Turtles

North Kawartha Township News – Turtle Crossing Alert

6/6/2024 9:39:46 AM

Please be aware of turtles crossing roads through North Kawartha, especially during warmer months. Your safety and the safety of other drivers is top priority. If you see a turtle on the road, please do not stop your car in the middle of the road or walk into direct traffic.

When handling smaller turtles, gently pick them up behind their front legs and move them in the direction they were heading. Snapping turtles can be aggressive, so use something long and sturdy to guide them to their destination.

If you cannot stop to help a crossing turtle, please try to avoid hitting the turtles by slowing down and steering around them, where possible. Cautious driving can help protect the turtles!

If you find an injured turtle, contact the Ontario Turtle Conversation Centre at 705-741-5000. They operate a turtle hospital that treats and released injured turtles.

Drive carefully North Kawartha and help our adorable, shelled friends cross the road safety!
Additional Resource
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre Website
Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre Location:
4-1434 Chemong Road, Selwyn, ON, K9J 6X2
Read this article on our website.North Kawartha Township logo
80 Burleigh Street, PO Box 550,
Apsley, ON K0L 1A0
North Kawartha TownshipUnsubscribePrivacy Policy

Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association Newsletter – Spring – 2024

Welcome back to the cottage. Spring made an early appearance this year, with warnings about bears leaving their dens earlier than usual.  But now spring is rapidly disappearing making way for summer. Yeah!



 The AGM will be held on  Saturday June 8th from 10am until noon at NKCC.  See you all there!  


  • Welcome
  • Treasurer Report
  • Presidential Nomination
  • Lake Steward Nomination
  • Water Quality Report
  • Fire Committtee Report
  • Boating and PFD Awareness
  • Events in 2024
    • Paddle Palooza/Food Drive
    • Regatta / Corn Roast
  • Shoreline Management
  • Invasive Species Awareness
  • Kawartha Highlands Park Report
  • North Kawartha Mayoral Insights

The Executive

The Looncall Lake Cottagers Association was formed in the mid 1900’s to represent the interests of property owners and to help protect the lake for current and future generations of cottagers. Every year new development and environmental threats put additional stresses on this valuable resource. We need your support and as a member you can help ensure the vitality of this beautiful lake.

How do we make a difference?

  • We monitor water quality in the lake by taking samples and by performing underwater vegetation studies
  • We organize and support social events and presentations for members and residents of the lake
  • We play an active role in local politics and voice your developmental and environmental concerns
  • We participate in the larger provincial network of lake associations
  • We purchase equipment to enhance safety on Looncall Lake as funding allows

Two positions, the President and the Lake Steward,  are open for nominations this year. The votes will take place at the AGM.  The sitting President will become the Past President following the vote.

Role of the President

The President is the “leader” of the Executive Committee. The role of the President is to:

  • Serve as chairperson in meetings of the Executive and in all meetings of the membership
  • Seek consensus in making decisions of the Executive
  • Avoid the interference of personal agendas 
  • Lead the Executive in the selection of contractors and professionals that will serve the needs of the Association
  • Seek the input and communication of the member
  • Exercise fiduciary duty (duty of care) in the management of the Association’s business
  • Promote a sense of community by supporting open communication through whatever means available, encouraging member participation and making him/herself available to the membership.

Role of the Lake Steward

The Lake Steward leads association in guardianship of the lake.  The Lake Steward is responsible for:

  • Conducting the Lake Partner Program (LPP) water sampling in May
  • Conduct regular Secchi disc readings throughout the season (every 2-3weeks), and mail to Dorset (LPP) in November
  • Attend annual NORKLA Lake Stewards meetings hosted by Doug Wellman and report back to LCLCA
  • Report to LCLCA AGM on Water Quality based on LPP and Trent University test results
  • Maintain the water quality data (past and present) and update to show trends for web site
  • Familiarize yourself  with Aquatic Invasive Species (plant and animal) and facilitate their identification
  • Familiarize yourself with cottager practices that will impact water quality (e.g. Shorelines, septic systems) and share best practices with the community

Cottage Association Fees

Fees are $40 this year.

What do you get for your money:

  • FOCA Membership – providing us with a broader view of lake health and cottage issue awareness, the fees have increased in recent years
  • NORKLA Membership – access to lake health data, North Kawartha view of cottaging (Invasive Species, Septic data, etc.)
  • Community donations
  • Meeting in NKCC for a fee
  • Cover the Regatta games costs
  • Services and materials used to communicate to all cottagers
  • Equipment to benefit all cottagers

Cottager List

Do you need your cottage neighbour’s contact information? email info@looncalllake.ca  to request a copy

Lost and Found?

Have you lost something? Found something? email info@looncalllake.ca and we’ll post on the Facebook page.


Fire Pump Committee

The fire pump purchase is imminent.  The fire committee is finalizing the guidelines and procedures for the maintenance and training on the fire equipment, including responses to the questions you sent in, along with a set of cottage fire prevention practices.  In addition, a web page is being constructed to make this information easily accessible (a link will be sent once it is published).

Henry Decock, Fire Pump Committee Chair


Paddle Palooza and Food Drive

The Paddle Palooza and Food Drive will be held on June 29th starting at 10:30am. Paddle the lake with your friends and family. Greet lake friends at their docks and support the community by bringing non-perishable food to the drop off points for donation to the Apsley food Bank.

Regatta and Corn Roast

We are looking forward to the Regatta and Corn Roast on August 3rd, and welcome all volunteers.  We will have more information at the AGM.

On the Water

Loon Report

Loons were seen on almost every day in the summer of 2024. Sadly, we witnessed a loon death on the lake last year. The cause of the death is unknown.  Please take care to watch out for loons in the water and do not fish with lead.

Thanks to Sue Murray for leading this program for Loon Call Lake and reporting to Birds Canada on our behalf.

Boating and PFD Stats – Stay Safe

More marine fatalities occur on small, non-motorized watercraft than you may expect.  A marine fatality is considered any event caused by entering the water involuntarily – primarily falling overboard, and capsizing; far fewer were due to collisions. 

Some stats:

  • The largest proportion (92%) of fatalities are male. 
  • 31% of fatalities involved alcohol but only 3% are impaired… it doesn’t take much alcohol to impact you on the water!
  • 86% of fatalities were not wearing PFDs.

For an eye-opening message we encourage you to watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up-fResUwRI This is 35 minutes well spent for you and your family.

Septic Health

Care for your cottage by caring for your septic. What to do:

  • Septic inspection
  • Septic clean out
  • Septic bed health
  • Be careful with what you flush
  • Reduce water usage


Water Quality

The Lake Partner Program results for 2022 have finally been released. They appear to be working a year behind schedule.  All data- Secchi disk, total phosphorus, calcium and chloride ion – are within historical values. Although the Lake Partner Program data is behind schedule and redundant to the Trent University data, it is free and the Lake Partner Program covers many more lakes than Trent does. It is beneficial to be part of the larger set of data.

The water samples for May 2024 have been collected and mailed to Dorset, the home of the Lake Partner Program.

Trent University sampled our lake on August 10, 2023. The data for chlorophyll a, Secchi disk depth, calcium, total phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon and dissolved oxygen at lake bottom are all close to our historical average, except for one, which is too good, Secchi disk depth. Trent got a Secchi disk reading of 6 metres on Loon Call Lake. 5 metres would be believable in August, but 6 metres, not so much. Apparently, the entire region showed good water quality in 2023.

In conclusion, all is well on Loon Call Lake.

2022 data is now available and published on the web site at https://looncalllake.ca/the-lake.

Lake Health Seminar

Join us at NKCC following the LCLCA AGM for the Lake Health Seminar to learn more about Natural Shoreline Conservation and Invasive Species Reduction

Questions? Requests? Feedback?

email info@looncalllake.ca

Watch out for the wildlife!
See you on the Lake!
Loon Call Lake Cottagers’ Association

Photo credit – Denise (Sue’s sister)