FOCA Covid-19 Update

There were many items of discussion on the April 14th webinar. They can be found on the FOCA website Covid-19.

Some highlights (which are in constant flux) include:

  • Some jurisdictions, including North Kawartha are providing tax relief. See North Kawartha website
  • MPAC assessment will not be done in 2020 meaning we will pay taxes on the same valuation as this year
  • Electricity pricing: time of use pricing is on hold for now and we pay lowest price all day
  • There are fewer hydro employees out on the road and repairs to power lines after storms will take longer
  • The province has a blanket fire ban in place
  • Marinas and boat launches are not considered essential and are closed at this time

As everyone is aware news changes daily and there are many ways to keep informed.

I will be having a Zoom Executive meeting and we will discuss the 2020 AGM.

Keep Well!
