Loon Call Lake – Fall Newsletter – 2020

October 21, 2020

The leaves are almost gone after a splendid display of colour and there are not many cottages with lights on anymore.  We hope you enjoyed your cottage in the summer of 2020 – we are privileged to have cottages to visit in the time of a pandemic.  Here are a few updates from your LCLCA executive:

Gypsy Moth/Caterpillar Spraying

The most recent sign up list of cottagers wishing to be sprayed in the spring has been sent to Paul Zimmer/Zimmer Air and can be found and downloaded from here . There are about 45 lots have indicated they would like to spray. If you provided your email you will be contacted by Zimmer Air. If you did not provide your email (Question 4 in the survey) you will need to contact Paul Zimmer or reply with your   email or phone number  in order for us to update our list so you will be contacted.

These are the details about spraying in 2021:

  • Spraying happens at approximately the end of May depending on Mother Nature and weather.
  • Individuals who have signed up will be contacted via phone or email or both. Zimmer Air requires email addresses as they need some kind of method of communication.
  • Zimmer Air generally emails the contracts and waivers to cottagers who have indicated interest. Zimmer Air requires a signed contract and waiver from each cottage owner by the end of 2020. This gives them time to map out the properties, inform them of actual size of property and decide the actual cost according to size of property. Zimmer Air will inform cottagers after they have mapped all properties.  
  • Once Zimmer Air has the accurate size of properties, they will inform individuals of their cost and payment can be sent to them at that time. Either postdated cheque or credit card information are acceptable. Payment will not be processed until after the first application in May

FOCA Fall Update

Please find the Special FOCA Members’ Elert October 2020 here.  You will see that all cottagers are encouraged to sign up for the free monthly newsletter which includes cottage country updates, environmental and policy developments etc.

Of particular interest, and time sensitivity, is a new FOCA Survey:   

FOCA is conducting a province-wide survey to determine whether the ongoing pandemic is shifting patterns of waterfront property usage. Have you spent more – or less – time at your waterfront property this year, due to travel restrictions or physical distancing protocols such as remote-office options? Do you plan to be at the waterfront more often in the off-season this year? Whether “yes” or “no”, we want to hear from you.

Click below to take the survey by October 30, 2020:

Fishing in Loon Call Lake

A concerned cottager brought to our attention a very dangerous practice. They witnessed several times adults and children, instructed by their parents, cutting a fishing line to release tiny bass and sunfish that swallowed the hook.  This is very alarming as loons regularly feed in the bays in our lake and the hooks will kill the bird if ingested.  The hook must be removed before releasing the fish.

At our AGM next year we will discuss environmentally friendly and sustainable fishing practices, and a presentation about the devastating effects of lead poisoning and hooks on loons. 

Please ensure that all visitors and cottagers are aware that all of us are responsible for the protection of our wonderful Loon Call Lake!

Winter 2020

All of us on the LCLCA Executive wish you a safe and enjoyable winter.  Many people enjoyed the 2020 summer Pandemic Paddle so much that they think we should have it every year. We probably will do so, and look forward to seeing you in the spring.

FOCA Elert – Special October 2020

A few snippets have been included here, but please follow this link for the full report

Results from FOCA’s Member Survey:

Thank you to the ~600 survey respondents who contributed such valuable feedback in the 2020 FOCA Member Survey, as part of the work by FOCA’s Board of Directors to update FOCA’s Strategic Plan for the coming years.
The survey has provided us with key information about Ontario lake associations including dues charged, engagement trends and challenges faced this year, as well as the current “Top Issues” at the waterfront

New FOCA Survey: share the link!

FOCA is conducting a province-wide survey to determine whether the ongoing pandemic is shifting patterns of waterfront property usage. Have you spent more – or less – time at your waterfront property this year, due to travel restrictions or physical distancing protocols such as remote-office options? Do you plan to be at the waterfront more often in the off-season this year? Whether “yes” or “no”, we want to hear from you.

Click below to take the survey by October 30, 2020:

FOCA Elert – October 2020

October is upon us and so here is a summary of the October Elert. For the full newsletter, go to: FOCA Elert – October 2020
Remember you can subscribe to the Elerts here

For October, here is the news:

  • A Thanksgiving greeting from the FOCA Executive Director
  • Long weekend safety
  • Cottage Closing tip
  • Border opening – research underway
  • Fall Seminar for Lake Associations (November 21st)
  • Electricity Pricing
  • Lake Partner Program
  • Survey: Off-season usage
  • Event recaps
  • FOCA Member Services
  • and much more

Natural Edge Program

Kawartha Region

On behalf of Watersheds Canada and KLSA (Kawartha Lake Stewards Assocation)

KLSA has received a grant from Watersheds Canada to undertake the Natural Edge Program https://watersheds.ca/our-work/the-natural-edge/at 10 waterfront properties. KLSA has also partnered with Kawartha Conservation to further enhance and re-naturalize lakes within the Kawartha region.

The objective of the program is to revegetate and re-naturalize the Kawartha Lakes shoreline. 

We are seeking your help in identifying potential sites.

The project consists of the following components:

  1. Identify potential sites. These sites can be private or public lands and should typically be close to the water’s edge. 
  2. Conduct a site visit to provide advice on how to improve the shoreline.  A planting plan will be developed cooperatively with the landowner and will identify which native species are best suited for the area. The development of the planting plan will be undertaken by a Watersheds Canada representative or someone trained by Watersheds Canada to undertake the survey.
  3. Once the site visit is completed, the property owner will receive a Shoreline Re-naturalization Starter Kit.  The Kit includes the site specific planting plan, plants and materials, and resource materials (ex. Habitat Creation Guide and Wildflower Garden Guide).
  4. Under the project, the property owner will receive coconut mats (45), mulch, bare root plants (35), potted plants (10) and wildflowers (5). The landowners, with the assistance of KLSA members, will undertake the planting of the vegetation.
  5. Cost:  the cost of the project to the owner is $250  (typically, the plants alone are worth more than this cost).
  6. Timing:  The events of 2020 means that the project has been extended until the Fall of 2021.  However, KLSA would like to undertake some of the site assessments in mid to late September subject to provincial and regional health authorities COVID 19 guidance.

A copy of the Watersheds Canada brochure can be found and downloaded here.

If you are interested in participating, or if you know of any candidate sites, please contact KLSA at Kawarthalakessteward@yahoo.ca or wnapier100@gmail.com

Also feel free to distribute this information to your friends or neighbours who may be interested in participating in this project.

Thank you for your assistance.
William A. Napier
Kawartha Lake Stewards Association

FOCA August 2020-Thanks-Moths-Loons

FOCA ELert for August 2020.

Please click here to read the full August Elert

We encourage you to read the newsletter and reference material. Recap of the topics covered:

  • FOCA Cottage Country Survey – Deadline August 24th
  • Advocacy, Policy and Program Updates –
    • Environmental Assessment redesign
    • Cormorant Hunt
    • Federal Aquaculture Act
  • Webinar recap: Gypsy Moth – sponsor Zimmer Air Services – access recording
  • Next Webinar: Targeting Tax – Cottage Succession Planning
  • Covid-19 and the cottage
  • Rural Cell and Internet Service
  • Invasive Species
  • Boating Safety
  • Watershed Protection

Lake Stewards Newsletter:

Please click here to find the Lake Stewards Newsletter

Community Care Apsley – Thanks 

Dear Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association

The Board of the North Kawartha Food Bank wishes to thank you all for your recent generous donation of food.  The whole community has been so quick to respond to the needs of our clients during the pandemic and we are very grateful. 

As a result of the generosity of the community we are able to cancel all our fundraising this year which makes it safer for our volunteers who have worked hard to keep the food bank open as usual.  We have enough money to take us through the winter which is wonderful.  We will miss the fun of our annual Loonie Night but hopefully we will see everyone again in the fall of 2021.

We hope that you have all had a restful summer on the lake and wish you all the best for the uncertainties of opening up in the Fall. 

With our thanks and best wishes,
Daphne Ingram
Chair, North Kawartha Food Bank.
(link to letter)

Gypsy Moth Spraying

Reminder to read the spraying details and complete the spraying survey

Loons in the Bay

6 Loons in the bay (taken from #36)

Loon videos for your viewing delight

Loons Entering the Bay
Loons Leaving the Bay

Gypsy Moth Spraying and A Few More Topics

Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Spraying Next Steps Preparing for Spring 2021

In our previous communication, we shared information about spraying Gypsy Moth caterpillars. This is conducted in the spring with a second spray a few weeks later. 

We have set up a survey, reachable by clicking this link, to determine what you, the cottagers, are considering to battle this invasive species. Please complete the survey by September 30th (but it will remain open after that if you forget or are delayed.) The information from this survey will be shared with Paul Zimmer.  We are extending this survey to surrounding lakes, so please identify your lake and property when responding to the survey.

We are hoping that by consolidating our intent and providing it to zimmerair.com, Paul Zimmer’s spraying company, we can provide a big picture view of how much spraying will take place.This is NOT a commitment that you will spray, but rather will aid Paul in reaching out to you for further consultation. Your final decision is between you and Paul. 

As a reminder, these are the sample documents required when you commit. The contract that explains the process and the neighbour waiver.

How safe is spraying? Read about btk by clicking here and here or by searching btk in your favourite search engine.

Click for past info shared regarding moths on the lake and spraying.

Fireworks Reminder

Fireworks are prohibited in the Kawartha Signature Site Park, which includes the lake.   Sparks can cause devastating forest fires.  It is your responsibility to be aware of and adhere to Fire Ban publications.

eMail distribution list

Please ask your cottage neighbours if they are receiving emails.

If they are not, please forward them this email and remind them they can subscribe by clicking here or going to the subscribe link at the footer of the looncalllake.ca web site.

Cottage Association Fee

Gentle reminder if you have not done so already, please e-transfer $20 to Janicemanias@hotmail.com for Loon Call Lake Cottage Association fee.

Thanks from Community Care Apsley Food Bank

Community Care – The delivery was made on Wednesday, August 5th

Wasn’t That a Party

Pandemic Paddle, Food Drive and Piano Bar

We thought Covid-19 had turned the long weekend in August into just an ordinary cottage weekend. But thanks to some creative thinking, August 1st ended up being a spectacular day.

The day dawned beautiful and sunny, and at 10:30 the Pandemic Paddle began. Canoists, kayakers, paddle boarders, people and pets took to the waters. Others stayed on their docks to welecome visitors. Everyone was smiling, chatting and visiting from a distance. 

Thanks to your generosity, a large bin is overflowing with food for the Community Care Apsley food bank to be delivered on Tuesday. (If you still want to donate, please come by Lot 36.)

To top the day off, about two dozen watercraft converged on Lot 7 to listen and sing along with Drew Phillips (on Instagram @drewphillipsmusic). Drew took requests and played to a very satisfied crowd. Highlights included Stacy’s Mom, in which Drew was joined by Scott Phillips; and the Tennessee Whiskey where we learned who will leave the comfort of their boat for a whiskey shot.  Get your request list ready for 2021!

More pictures will be posted on the website as they arrive. You can find them here.

If you took photos please send them to info@looncalllake.ca for publication on the web site

There’s More: Pandemic Paddle, Food Drive and Piano Bar

Pandemic Paddle

A few Loon Call Lake friends were chatting about how lucky we are to be cottaging on such a magnificent lake. We were expressing our disappointment in not being able to visit with our lake friends and neighbours at the annual regatta and corn roast this year. That’s when the Pandemic Paddle was born.

When: Saturday August 1st @ 10:30 onwards
What: The idea is to depart  from your dock at 10:30 a.m. in your non-motorized boat (canoe, kayak, paddle board, paddle boat….) and to paddle clockwise around the lake visiting and chatting with fellow loon call lakers. If you choose not to paddle, feel free to come down to your dock to say hello.

Hope to see you on the lake!
Heather Thornton and Tom Parsons Lot 65

Take photos and send them to info@looncalllake.ca for publication on the web site

Food Bank

Drop non-Perishable food items at dock 36 (Hartog’s).
We’ll drop them at the Apsley Community Care Tuesday next week

Piano Bar

Saturday August 1st, 5-7 pm, Drew Phillips will be providing musical entertainment on his dock (Lot 7).

Feel free to boat up, drop anchor and enjoy!!
All cottagers welcome!

Drew Phillips

Special Thank You – Community Care – Apsley

Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association received this grateful message from Community Care – Apsley

Good afternoon Ms. Manias,

I want to take this opportunity to thank the Loon Call Lake Cottagers Association for the generous donation of $500.00 to our Community Care – Apsley office.  We truly appreciate the support.

I have attached a formal thank you letter for the members of the Association.

Thank you for supporting Community Care.

Danielle Belair
Executive Director
Community Care Peterborough