July 7 2020
Hi Everyone
These are truly unprecedented times as is reflected in this newsletter. We are adjusting our plans and cottage life to look after each other and to keep everyone safe.
The LCLCA Executive held a meeting on June 29th. The minutes can be found on the website by clicking here
2020 Regatta and Corn Roast
After careful consideration, as we are in Stage 2 of reopening during the Covid-19 in which physical distancing is still in effect and gatherings of greater than 10 are prohibited, we have concluded that the 2020 Regatta and Corn Roast should not go ahead. The potential for prolonging the Covid-19 outbreak and introducing it to members of our cottaging community are too great.
Let’s all look forward to the 2021 Regatta and Corn Roast!
Collection of Dues
Gentle reminder to pay the Loon Call Cottagers Association dues for this year. Please send the $20.00 dues by e-transfer to Janice Manias (janicemanias@hotmail.com), in your comments please identify your cottage lot number. Alternatively, you can make arrangements to drop it off at Janice’s dock or to your area director.
Support for the North Kawartha Community Care
North Kawartha Community Care reached out to the NORKLA group (which includes Loon Call Lake Cottagers association) for a donation. North Kawartha Community Care has a current shortfall of $10,000 since COVID-19 closed their store. Community Care in Apsley is the only full time social service agency in the Township of North Kawartha providing services such as Meals on Wheels, essential transportation to medical appointments, grocery and Foodbank deliveries. Read more about their services at www.commcareptbo.org.
A vote was held with unanimous support by the executive to donate $500 to this need.
Gypsy Moths
Hopefully you read the notice about Gypsy Moths on Loon Call Lake. This is truly devastating and we encourage you to take action by using pheromone traps and / or destroying egg masses, using burlap to wrap your trees and killing caterpillars wherever you see them.
You may not think you have caterpillars, but we encourage you to stand at a pine or oak tree trunk for just a minute or two and look in the crevasses. It won’t be long before you see them.

Please see more information and photos here.
There are several websites to help you see what you can do to protect your trees. Here are a few references:
- Canada Gypsy moths;
- http://www.london.ca/residents/Environment/Trees-Forests/Pages/Gypsy-Moth.aspx
- https://www.ontario.ca/page/gypsy-moth
- http://www.invadingspecies.com/gypsy-moth/
Lake Status Report – 2019
Our Secchi disk readings averaged 3.8 m which is the worst in decades, but not unprecedented. The problem still appears to be colour. Tannins in the water from our pond overflow is making the lake water look like “tea”. Since the lake has a very low flushing rate, this may take some years to clear up.
Last May, total phosphorus was 5.5 ug/L, which is about our historical average. Our calcium level was 6.4 mg/L, which is also at our average. Both levels are good.
Historical water quality information is now available on the Loon Call Web Site for all our Lake Partner Program (LPP) data and some nifty graphs that will show trends.
Reminder that OFAH has dis-continued the zebra mussel and spiny water flea testing program. OFAH still wants to be in the invasive species monitoring business, but a new program does not yet exist.
Although Trent University sampled our lake in July 2019, the data has not been released. There appears to be a problem getting the data from the lab to the internet. The original plan was to have all the data from all the lakes from all the years of testing available to all that wanted to have a look for any purpose, curiosity or study. Maybe asking too much?
Health Care while at the Cottage
While at the cottage, if you are in need of medical care, you are first encouraged to contact your own primary care provider, since many services are now provide virtually and they know you best.
If you are in need of clinic services at the Peterborough Family Health Team clinic in Lakefield you must first call 705-651-4866 to make an appointment. Walk-ins are not accepted.
Hours of Operation and Additional details can be found here