October 21, 2020
The leaves are almost gone after a splendid display of colour and there are not many cottages with lights on anymore. We hope you enjoyed your cottage in the summer of 2020 – we are privileged to have cottages to visit in the time of a pandemic. Here are a few updates from your LCLCA executive:
Gypsy Moth/Caterpillar Spraying
The most recent sign up list of cottagers wishing to be sprayed in the spring has been sent to Paul Zimmer/Zimmer Air and can be found and downloaded from here . There are about 45 lots have indicated they would like to spray. If you provided your email you will be contacted by Zimmer Air. If you did not provide your email (Question 4 in the survey) you will need to contact Paul Zimmer or reply with your email or phone number in order for us to update our list so you will be contacted.
These are the details about spraying in 2021:
- Spraying happens at approximately the end of May depending on Mother Nature and weather.
- Individuals who have signed up will be contacted via phone or email or both. Zimmer Air requires email addresses as they need some kind of method of communication.
- Zimmer Air generally emails the contracts and waivers to cottagers who have indicated interest. Zimmer Air requires a signed contract and waiver from each cottage owner by the end of 2020. This gives them time to map out the properties, inform them of actual size of property and decide the actual cost according to size of property. Zimmer Air will inform cottagers after they have mapped all properties.
- Once Zimmer Air has the accurate size of properties, they will inform individuals of their cost and payment can be sent to them at that time. Either postdated cheque or credit card information are acceptable. Payment will not be processed until after the first application in May
FOCA Fall Update
Please find the Special FOCA Members’ Elert October 2020 here. You will see that all cottagers are encouraged to sign up for the free monthly newsletter which includes cottage country updates, environmental and policy developments etc.
Of particular interest, and time sensitivity, is a new FOCA Survey:

FOCA is conducting a province-wide survey to determine whether the ongoing pandemic is shifting patterns of waterfront property usage. Have you spent more – or less – time at your waterfront property this year, due to travel restrictions or physical distancing protocols such as remote-office options? Do you plan to be at the waterfront more often in the off-season this year? Whether “yes” or “no”, we want to hear from you.
Click below to take the survey by October 30, 2020:
Fishing in Loon Call Lake
A concerned cottager brought to our attention a very dangerous practice. They witnessed several times adults and children, instructed by their parents, cutting a fishing line to release tiny bass and sunfish that swallowed the hook. This is very alarming as loons regularly feed in the bays in our lake and the hooks will kill the bird if ingested. The hook must be removed before releasing the fish.
At our AGM next year we will discuss environmentally friendly and sustainable fishing practices, and a presentation about the devastating effects of lead poisoning and hooks on loons.
Please ensure that all visitors and cottagers are aware that all of us are responsible for the protection of our wonderful Loon Call Lake!
Winter 2020
All of us on the LCLCA Executive wish you a safe and enjoyable winter. Many people enjoyed the 2020 summer Pandemic Paddle so much that they think we should have it every year. We probably will do so, and look forward to seeing you in the spring.