Winter is behind us and we have had some marvelous spring days. Some of you have been to the cottage already and report that it is looking good in cottage country. We’re all looking forward to a fantastic 2022, I’m sure.
Update: We are planning an in person AGM this year, on Saturday July 9th (not July 2nd as previously communicated). Won’t it be nice to see so many people face to face. Details will be sent out in June.
We are looking forward to reviving the Regatta and Corn Roast after the pandemic hiatus. Volunteers are welcome. Please contact Jacquie Cane ( if you would like to be part of the committee to make this happen!
Another Pandemic Paddle will be held this year. This time on Sunday, July 3rd (the day after the AGM). And, again this year, food donation for the Apsley Food Bank are welcome (photos of last year’s fun: pandemic-paddle-and-food-drive-2021).
We are looking at other events, and will announce them as they are organized.
Thanks again to everyone who planned, organized and participated in last year’s events. You make Loon Call Lake a wonderful place to cottage.
Cottage Association Fees
Thanks to everyone who paid their cottage association fees through these challenging years. They go toward the needs that don’t stop for a pandemic, among them, fundraisers for the North Kawartha community especially those needed with the loss of local grocery shopping; FOCA membership helping us to stay informed about cottage issues, invasive species, the planting palooza and shorelines health to name a few; and for the hosting fees for the web site.
It is never to early to send your 2022 fees (just $20) to our treasurer.
You can:
- direct deposit to Please include your name and lot number in the comments on your payment
- pay your Area Director; or
- pay at the AGM.
Cottager List
Do you need your cottage neighbour’s contact information – email to find out how to get it.
Lost and Found?
Have you lost something? Found something? You can post on the LooncallLakeCottagersAssociation facebook page ). You can also email and we’ll post on the Loon Call Lake web site.
Have you found what you lost? Has the lost item found its owner? Let us know and we’ll take the notices down.
On the Water
A new by-law is in effect. Please read By-Law 2021-0118 (Fireworks By-Law) to become familiar with the regulations. Remember, fireworks are not permitted in the park. In addition, the by-law limits when fireworks can be discharged.
Spongy Moths (previously LDD Moths/Gypsy Moths)
We did not organize spraying this year. We are hoping the cold winter temperatures helped to keep the species in check. We will find out in the coming weeks. In any case, let’s hope this is the last bad year.
North Kawartha
Fines doubled: Two new community safety zones have been set up on Hwy 28 through North Kawartha Township. If you’re caught speeding in either of these zones, your fines will be doubled.
Sayers Foods: Construction has begun, with the outlook that Apsley will once again have a full grocery store by January or February 2023! Great news for the community.
Waste Management: Please remember to use clear plastic bags for your garbage.
Stay Informed: Receive timely North Kawartha information by subscribing at this site.
FOCA Elerts
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Questions? Requests? Feedback? email