A few snippets have been included here, but please follow this link for the full report
Results from FOCA’s Member Survey:
Thank you to the ~600 survey respondents who contributed such valuable feedback in the 2020 FOCA Member Survey, as part of the work by FOCA’s Board of Directors to update FOCA’s Strategic Plan for the coming years.
The survey has provided us with key information about Ontario lake associations including dues charged, engagement trends and challenges faced this year, as well as the current “Top Issues” at the waterfront

New FOCA Survey: share the link!
FOCA is conducting a province-wide survey to determine whether the ongoing pandemic is shifting patterns of waterfront property usage. Have you spent more – or less – time at your waterfront property this year, due to travel restrictions or physical distancing protocols such as remote-office options? Do you plan to be at the waterfront more often in the off-season this year? Whether “yes” or “no”, we want to hear from you.
Click below to take the survey by October 30, 2020: