Special FOCA Members’ Elert – June 2020

During these extraordinary times, FOCA continues our work on behalf of lake and rural road Associations all across the province, and the thousands of families they represent.

While our physical office remains closed, our staff and Board of Directors continue to work digitally, in support of FOCA’s vision of thriving and sustainable waterfronts across Ontario.

This update is being sent to the executive representatives of all our member Associations and to our Supporters, to keep you informed about FOCA’s work, as well as all the services and benefits available because of your ongoing support of FOCA.

We encourage member Associations to share this information with all your member families, to help them understand the value of your annual FOCA membership. Please contact us if you need additional information for an upcoming AGM or newsletter. 

Thank you for being part of the solution for waterfront Ontario!

Deanna PanitzFOCA Membership & Programs Coordinatorinfo@foca.on.ca   705-749-3622 *  https://foca.on.ca  * Note: voicemail is only being checked occasionally, at this time.

Click here for the full eLert

FOCA Elert – May 2020

Topics covered in the latest Elert:

  1. Safe waterfront living during the pandemic:
    1. Please watch this video prior to the weekend! youtu.be/ovrgCzVtK-c.
  2. Advocacy , Policy and Program Updates
    1. Lake Partnership Program
    2. 2020 FOCA Invasive Species Program
    3. Electricity News
  3. FOCA Webinar –
    1. Recap from May 6th Association Governance during the Pandemic (available until May 19th)
    2. Next Webinar – Cottage Succession Planning – Keeping the Cottage in the Family – you must pre-register
  4. Other Topics:
    1. Toolkit for Lake Associations
    2. Water Levels
    3. Watch out for turtles
    4. Safety and Risk Management
    5. Boating Safety
    6. Rideau and Trent-Severn Waterway Survey

Link to the Elerts

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