Natural Edge Program

Kawartha Region

On behalf of Watersheds Canada and KLSA (Kawartha Lake Stewards Assocation)

KLSA has received a grant from Watersheds Canada to undertake the Natural Edge Program 10 waterfront properties. KLSA has also partnered with Kawartha Conservation to further enhance and re-naturalize lakes within the Kawartha region.

The objective of the program is to revegetate and re-naturalize the Kawartha Lakes shoreline. 

We are seeking your help in identifying potential sites.

The project consists of the following components:

  1. Identify potential sites. These sites can be private or public lands and should typically be close to the water’s edge. 
  2. Conduct a site visit to provide advice on how to improve the shoreline.  A planting plan will be developed cooperatively with the landowner and will identify which native species are best suited for the area. The development of the planting plan will be undertaken by a Watersheds Canada representative or someone trained by Watersheds Canada to undertake the survey.
  3. Once the site visit is completed, the property owner will receive a Shoreline Re-naturalization Starter Kit.  The Kit includes the site specific planting plan, plants and materials, and resource materials (ex. Habitat Creation Guide and Wildflower Garden Guide).
  4. Under the project, the property owner will receive coconut mats (45), mulch, bare root plants (35), potted plants (10) and wildflowers (5). The landowners, with the assistance of KLSA members, will undertake the planting of the vegetation.
  5. Cost:  the cost of the project to the owner is $250  (typically, the plants alone are worth more than this cost).
  6. Timing:  The events of 2020 means that the project has been extended until the Fall of 2021.  However, KLSA would like to undertake some of the site assessments in mid to late September subject to provincial and regional health authorities COVID 19 guidance.

A copy of the Watersheds Canada brochure can be found and downloaded here.

If you are interested in participating, or if you know of any candidate sites, please contact KLSA at or

Also feel free to distribute this information to your friends or neighbours who may be interested in participating in this project.

Thank you for your assistance.
William A. Napier
Kawartha Lake Stewards Association